Schools in Tobago dismissed early

All schools in Tobago have been dismissed early in the amidst an Adverse Weather Alert - Yellow Level, while the Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) has received six reports on the island
A weather alert issued on Tuesday by the TT Meteorological Service (TTMS) informed of heavy showers and isolated thunderstorms expected over oceanic waters and extending across Trinidad and Tobago. This activity is associated with an active tropical wave with potential for development over the next few days. It said gusty winds in excess of 70km/hr can be expected.
Shortly after midday on Wednesday, a media release from the THA Division of Education, Research and Technology indicated that all school will be dismissed at 1pm.
It advised that parents should make the necessary arrangements to have their children collected from the respective schools. It added that unless further advised, all schools will resume on Thursday.
Meantime, when contacted on Wednesday morning, officials at TEMA said that they had received six reports of flash flooding, residential flooding, fallen tree in roadway in areas such as Bacolet, All Fields Trace Carnbee, Mary’s Hill, Mt Grace, Mt St George and Roxborough.
On his facebook page, THA Chief Secretary Farley Augustine also warned the public to exercise caution.
"Schools in Tobago dismissed early"