Olympic Committee computer server, athletic wear stolen

THE OLYMPIC House in Port of Spain was robbed of its computer server on Thursday night.
Diane Henderson, Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) president, said the building at 121 Abercromby Street was broken into and its computer server stolen, along with national uniforms and athletic wear.
The server contains all the committee’s digital information on athletes, meets and other daily operations required to run the TTOC.
Henderson said the theft “would affect "how we operate and support young people of TT”. She called on the public to keep an eye out for the server, since the information on it is useless to anyone else, but crucial to managing TTOC’s affairs.
“We felt it necessary to put out a call that even though these items are metal, the value of the information on the server is extremely valuable to us, but useless to the person who took it.
“We are asking that they return it or those that hear the call, not purchase those items so we can get them back, particularly the server,” she said,
Just after midnight on Friday, Henderson received a call from security, who said the building’s alarms were going off. She, and some staff went to Olympic House, where they met police and security guards.
Henderson said the culprit or culpritss gained entry by breaking part of the back wall and may have taken the server to sell as scrap iron.
Over the past three months, external items at Olympic House, particularly metal, have been stolen. This was the first time, however, she said, someone had broken into the building.
On Friday, Henderson and other officials will do another thorough check to ascertain if anything else was taken.
“It’s not a nice feeling. The staff is resilient, but tired of the scenario and we really hope that we can get some positive feedback on this,” she said.
"Olympic Committee computer server, athletic wear stolen"