Trinidad and Tobago airports made more accessible to disabled
The Airports Authority of TT has said facilities have been expanded to cater for autistic and disabled people at the Piarco and ANR Robinson International Airports, in a release on Wednesday.
The Piarco International Airport will now have 14 parking spots for the disabled at the public car park and the authority is working on creating stickers, so parking is easier and available for them.
All airport staff have been trained in autism awareness and sensitisation sessions by the authority and other stakeholders. The AATT said it would continue to provide training to ensure effective communication with autistic and disabled people.
The authority has also created a "social story" which will give differently-abled passengers an opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns to help it manage operations.
It collaborated with groups including the Consortium of Disability Organisations, the Autistic Society , Disabled Peoples International and the Down Syndrome Family Network to improve the services.
Out of this came an Autism and Disability Friendly Advisory Committee, which will continue to have discussions and regular walk-abouts to see what can be improved.
The general manager of the authority Hayden Newton said, "We understand our responsibility, and will make every effort to work with all of our stakeholders to ensure that all of our customers have a safe and comfortable experience at our airport facilities.”
"Trinidad and Tobago airports made more accessible to disabled"