Archbishop Gordon: Resurrection brings light to world

RC Archbishop Jason Gordon blesses eight-year-old Cassidy Weaver and her father Rudy at the Sacred Heart RC Church, Richmond Street, Port of Spain on Sunday. - ROGER JACOB
RC Archbishop Jason Gordon blesses eight-year-old Cassidy Weaver and her father Rudy at the Sacred Heart RC Church, Richmond Street, Port of Spain on Sunday. - ROGER JACOB

RC Archbishop The Most Rev Jason Gordon said Christ’s resurrection is the bringing of light into the world to scatter the darkness of the world.

During mass at the Sacred Heart RC Church, Richmond Street, Port of Spain on Easter Sunday, Gordon said Christ’s resurrection was an unprecedented event.

“It is difficult to explain the resurrection. It is not simply that he came back to life, but his body was real and physical. This historical event was the first of its kind. Resurrection through Jesus Christ changes everything. Before this, we used to talk about karma, where your destiny is your destiny, your fate is your fate.

Archbishop Jason Gordon is assisted by Deacon Derek Walcott as he incenses the Sacred Heart RC Church, Richmond Street, Port of Spain on Sunday.

“Our fate is not determined by the foolishness of your life, but the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and our giving way to the resurrection which is alive and well in us today.


“The cross was the final karmic event, where Christ took all our pain, sin, and suffering onto himself when he was nailed to the cross.”

He said while people say the bad deeds of their life are catching up to them when they are suffering, belief in the resurrection of Christ means this belief is false.

“What we can say is that God is using this suffering as an opportunity to draw you closer to him, to wake you up to the ways that you have strayed and giving you the opportunity for repentance and salvation in him.”

Gordon said the resurrection is a whole new way of looking at everything, of looking at life from a new perspective.

“If we begin by believing death has been conquered once and for all, then all the suffering, pain, and challenge in this world, why do we yield to depression, to our dismal state, why do we celebrate being victims so often, why do we wallow in our self-pity so easily? Why? It suggests we don’t understand the power of the resurrection, that no matter how dark it is, the light of Christ’s resurrection has scattered the darkness already.”

Former La Horquetta MP Maxie Cuffy receives communion from Deacon Derek Walcott. - ROGER JACOB

He said there’s a difference between hope and optimism. He said optimism believes things will get better all the time, while hope is not so foolish.

“Hope says regardless of whether I am winning or things are getting better or not, God is always faithful to God’s promises and God will never leave you and God will turn all things to good for those who love and trust him.”

Gordon said the resurrection is an act of love and a complete affirmation that love will conquer everything else.


“When you find it difficult to see hope, when there are areas where things are dark, I want you to do an affirmation of the resurrection. Say to God, I know that through your resurrection, even this darkness has already been conquered, and will work for glory, will work for your kingdom, and will work for your kingdom to be revealed in this world.

“If we enter into the dimension of the resurrection, and see the world through that dimension, we will see the world very differently, because we’ll see a world where God is always at work in transformation of the world to bring about his kingdom, even when we can’t see it, and even when things are most bleak. So today, let us celebrate that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.”


"Archbishop Gordon: Resurrection brings light to world"

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