PNM Women's League: Party empowers women at decision-making table

THE People’s National Movement (PNM) has challenged the norm, in so far as women are concerned and dismantled prejudices to ensure that they have a seat at the table where decisions are made.
That is the view expressed by the PNM National Women League on the global commemoration of International Women’s Day.
In a statement the league, chaired by Camille Robison-Regis, noted that its very genesis was challenging the norm in Trinidad and Tobago’s political history that women were to neither be seen or heard in the political landscape.
“We are the only political party in Trinidad and Tobago with an active in interest in Women’s rights and continued progress.
“That can be credited to the vision of our founding father in the creation of the position of lady vice-chairman thus ensuring that women would always have a seat at the decision makers' table.
“Women were a fundamental part of Dr Eric Williams’ vision of a political party for all. He as well as all his successors, George Chambers, Patrick Manning and Dr Keith Rowley all supported the sentiment by deeds not words.”
The league boasted of the inclusion of women in the decision-making process across TT under successive PNM administrations and ground-breaking installation of the first woman to be appointed as President, Her Excellency Paula-Mae Weekes, under the Rowley-led administration.
“From 2015 to now, distinguished positions such as the President of the Senate, Christine Kangaloo, Speaker of the House, Bridgid Annisette-George, Leader of Government Business, Camille Robinson-Regis, Mayor of Point Fortin, Alderman Saleem Mc Cree Thomas and numerous alderman and councillors who have broken the bias that politics is a male-dominated field.
“Lady Vice Chairman Camille Robinson-Regis continues to lead the charge of advocacy for the women of this nation,” pointing to her being the first female to lead Government’s business in the House and hold the position of Minister of Planning and Development.
“By challenging the norm, she continues to be a role model and a champion for women in this country.
The league said it was committed in its role as a steward invested in the further development of all women in TT.
"PNM Women’s League: Party empowers women at decision-making table"