YTEPP driver drowns at Chaguaramas

Funeral arrangements are still being finalised for a 46-year-old driver at the Youth Training and Employment Partnership Programme (YTEPP) who drowned while swimming at Chaquacabana Beach, Chaguaramas on Friday last week.
Michael La Coa, who lived at Arima, was at a birthday celebration for his mother-in-law when he went for a swim.
His wife Darcel La Coa explained what happened.
"Last Thursday was my mother's birthday, so some of our family went to Chaquacabana to celebrate. The rest of us went from the Thursday, but Michael met us on the Friday after work.
"It was a nice evening. We were just enjoying each other's company and I had just gone into our room to make a bottle of tea for (our daughter) Malia, two, when Michael decided to go for a swim.”
Darcel said her sister told her La Coa was swimming near the jetty and all was well.
“She said he was on his way back to shore when she saw him with one hand in the air gasping for air and asking for help, and his other hand grabbing his leg. So we were thinking that he may have gotten a cramp."
La Coa went underwater and never resurfaced. His body was found later that night.
"I'm still trying to get my bearings,” Darcel said.
“He was a loving husband and father."
La Coa’s basketball friends at Lawrence Park, where he lived, and one of his gym colleagues held a prayer vigil and basketball "sweat" in his memory at the Eden Rahim Park basketball court, Arima on Monday night. Some of his work colleagues also attended. Shannon Dottin, one of his colleagues, explained the mood at his workplace.
"People are shocked and sad. Michael always had a peaceful nature, very respectful, goes about his task diligently and above the call of duty to ensure that execution. He worked there for approximately 11 years."
"YTEPP driver drowns at Chaguaramas"