Tobago Youth Council: International travellers must be tested, quarantined

The Tobago Youth Council (TYC) is urging the authorities to ensure that all international passengers entering the island adhere to all covid19 travel protocols.
On Monday, British Airways is expected to resume flights to Tobago, almost two years after the country shut its borders to prevent the spread of the virus. Dutch airline Virgin Atlantic is scheduled to resume flights to the island on January 29.
TYC president Janae Campbell said while the council supports the return of international flights to Tobago, it is deeply concerned about the management of international travellers.
“We advocate for proactive, precautionary measures to be implemented in keeping with the covid19 travel protocols,” she told Newsday. “We would like persons to be tested adequately before entering the country and upon arrival, there should be testing mechanisms in practice.”
Campbell said the council also wants passengers quarantined on arrival “in order to foster a level of prudence and security.”
She said it would also like antigen tests to be accepted as a viable method of detection of covid19.
“While rapid antigen tests are not as accurate as PCR tests, there is still a high measure of accuracy.”
Campbell said the benefits to be derived from using rapid testing include cheaper costs and convenience.
"Tobago Youth Council: International travellers must be tested, quarantined"