Mark tells police get phone records in Ocean Pelican investigation

Opposition Senator Wade Mark. -
Opposition Senator Wade Mark. -

The Opposition is calling on acting Commissioner of Police Mc Donald Jacob to seek the assistance of telecommunication companies bmobile and Digicel to determine the truth of what happened when businessman Adrian Scoon was being questioned by police at the Carenage police station on Boxing Day.

At a virtual media conference on Monday, Opposition Senator Wade Mark called on Jacob to intervene in the matter.

“Conduct a criminal forensic probe in this matter, get the providers to give you a list of all calls made to and from the AG as he is trying to discredit the police service by trying to make out the policeman as someone who is not telling the truth.

“The Commissioner of Police needs to intervene and ask the Attorney General, the Health Minister, the Finance Minister, and the Minister of Trade and Industry to submit their mobile phones.

“The good name of the police service is being called into question by the son of the Minister of Trade and Industry and the AG. Are they saying there was no call and that Sgt Adams was a liar? Are they saying that the events recorded in the station diary, as required by the rules of law, were made up? We call on you Mr Jacob to tell us if you received a call from the AG, and what were the matters discussed. Did the AG also call Deputy Commissioner of Police Erla Christopher, and what were the matters discussed?”


He asked why no one had yet been charged in the matter where 100 people were found on the vessel in what, he said, was a clear flouting of the covid19 rules and regulations.

Mark called on the Prime Minister to fire the AG for what he said were two serious criminal offences – misbehaviour in public office and an attempt to interfere with the police in process of conducting their work. He said silence was no longer an option for the PM.

The Opposition senator also called on the population to stand up for its rights against the government for forcing people to get vaccinated or be sent home without pay.


"Mark tells police get phone records in Ocean Pelican investigation"

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