Senator Deyalsingh: Don't open 'Pandora's Box' with Special Economic Zones

Psychiatrist Dr Varma Deyalsingh. FILE PHOTO -
Psychiatrist Dr Varma Deyalsingh. FILE PHOTO -

Independent Senator Dr Varma Deyalsingh says while direct investment is welcome in TT through Special Economic Zones, any legislation for these activities must be supported with adequate provisions to uphold the law and protect TT's interests.

Deyalsingh spoke duing a Senate sitting dealing with the Special Economic Zones Bill 2021 on Tuesday.

He said in order to properly draft legislation that would improve on economic zones, it was important to examine the factors that have led to the failure of such programmes in the past.

Among these issues he hoped the Senate would address were regulation and enforcement in these areas.

Citing a media release from the TT Manufacturers Association (TTMA) in March, outlining concerns about Special Economic Zones being havens for illicit trade, Deyalsingh urged the authorities to be wary of opening a "Pandora's Box" by establishing these areas.

He also warned that in addition to the illegal trade in arms, ammunition and drugs, such zones were listed as areas where money could be laundered and was concerned it could undo recent legislation to tackle white-collar crime.

"For five years now it has increased from 4,000 to 4,500 (Special Economic) zones. Obviously there is a push globally for it, but I wonder sometimes whose interest it serves.

"The European Union has spoke out about certain trade activities (on) which they offered concerns, the Attorney General has passed a lot of laws in terms of following money and money laundering, but I wonder sometimes if it is these new zones, could it be a way of certain business elites to lobby government to bring this in to have facilities to launder money?

"Those are the problems we have, to see if we are opening the doorway or opening a Pandora's Box where...they can bring in things and it could make the life of the Minster of National Security difficult if you have these satellite zones all over. So the scrutiny is vital."

Deyalsingh also suggested specific provisions should be included to the bill to tackle issues of worker exploitation through being overworked or sexual abuse.

Citing visits to Jamaica in 1988, where he heard of workers in free zones striking amidst claims of discrimination and unfair practices, Deyalsingh said adequate provisions should be made to protect them against poor treatment.


"Senator Deyalsingh: Don’t open ‘Pandora’s Box’ with Special Economic Zones"

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