Duke vows to tell PM: Open Tobago's beaches

A picturesque sunset at Pigeon Point jetty. FILE PHOTO/JEFF K MAYERS -
A picturesque sunset at Pigeon Point jetty. FILE PHOTO/JEFF K MAYERS -

Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) political leader Watson Duke said his first priority when he is sworn into office as the electoral representative for Roxborough/Argyle will be to tell the Prime Minister to reopen the beaches.

The PDP crushed the People's National Movement (PNM) 14-1 in the THA elections, according to the Election and Boundaries Commission's preliminary results on Tuesday.

In his victory speech at the Cyd Gray Complex, Roxborough on Monday night, Duke told supporters, “Nobody will give us orders from Trinidad any more. We not taking orders from Trinidad just like that. Let Rowley know his place.

"And so, when we have our first Executive Council meeting with our soon-to-be chief secretary Farley Augustine, I will put on the table opening up of our beaches.

“And when we say the beaches are opened up – every man is welcome to go take a bath.We are no longer slaves. We will not let them intimidate us and bully us. We will have none of it. From this day onward our freedom will not go away. We are in charge now."


Duke said the THA Act allows the assembly to manage its coastal affairs.

The THA Act part 1 (4b) says: no provision of this act or of an assembly law shall be construed or interpreted so as to authorise any operation of any assembly law beyond the confines of the island of Tobago and such part of the territorial sea of Trinidad and Tobago comprising those areas of the sea having as their inner limits the baselines of Tobago as determined in accordance with section 5 of the Territorial Sea Act, and as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from those baselines, every point of which is distant six nautical miles from the nearest point of those baselines unless the contrary is expressly stated therein."

Duke said this proves Tobago has responsibility for all its beaches and coastline activities.

He said PDP supporters should be proud of its win.

“Do not underestimate this victory. All of you are owners of this victory, and don’t let anybody take it away from you, because this is your victory. I want you to remember there is a contract between you and us. We must honour that contract."

Thanking supporters for buying in to the PDP's election motto – "Leh we fix this" – Duke said the electorate has given his party the job of fixing the bread-and-butter issues.

"We know you don’t want to hear no old talk.”

Duke said creating employment opportunities will remain a priority for the next four years.

“We will ensure all persons can get employment, that’s our responsibility. We will ensure that your money affords you a good night’s rest, we will ensure that your money allows you to take care of your family. It must be a decent living wage.”



"Duke vows to tell PM: Open Tobago’s beaches"

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