PM: Grim future if cases, deaths keep rising – TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ON THE EDGE

THE Prime Minister warned the nation on Thursday that if the current trajectory of covid19 infections and deaths remain or even goes higher, the parallel health care system will be overwhelmed in a matter of days.
In a pre-recorded address to the nation which began at 8 pm, Dr Rowley painted a grim picture and future for TT which could see the government having no choice whatsoever but to implement very harsh measures now being done in other countries currently swamped by the virus.
But there is still time to pull TT back from the precipice, he said. And the way to do this is to get vaccinated.
Rowley made it clear in his address that the entire health care system – not only the one specifically dealing with covid19 – is under imminent threat of complete and total collapse.
“Even as we continue to expand our public health care capacity, we will soon reach the limit of our ability to provide care for those who are ill, if we do not make drastic changes now.
“As such, this will manifest in our inability to provide care, not only to our covid19 patients, but to our other patients accessing general medical care and emergency care. As with any emergency response, as the demand on health care resources increases, we may have no choice but to redirect our efforts from providing the highest level of care to a few, to providing the greatest good for the greatest number of persons. This is the reality we face," he said.
The Prime Minister urged the nation to rally together and guard against complacency.
“Our health care system is finite and we will be forced, once again, to pull resources from non-covid19 sites into the parallel health care system. We would do well to ponder on what the next phase of the covid19 response might look like if we continue on this trajectory.”
He also warned of the emergence of a new variant, manifesting on the African continent saying, “even as I was preparing this presentation, I received the depressing news that a new variant has appeared in Botswana which some scientists are already saying could be worse than nearly anything else about. And it may even become vaccine resistant.”
Rowley began the address with a recap of the history of the pandemic and TT’s response to it. He said that in recent months, several countries had implemented strict measures to fight the virus. These included France, New Zealand, Australia, the US, Canada, Barbados, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Latvia, and Singapore.
Some of the measures implemented, Rowley said, included mandatory vaccinations for federal workers and certain categories of workers such as those in healthcare and teachers; fines and no-pay suspensions for the unvaxxed; no free health care to the unvaxxed; allowing businesses to suspend/fire workers who refuse the vaccine; lockdowns for the unvaxxed; covid19 passports, badges, and certificates to travel or enter public places; and curfews and lockdowns.
He hinted that if TT does not turn back the tide in terms of rising infections and deaths, government may have to consider such measure being implemented in other countries.
"I mention these situations and decisions, so that if it ever gets to the point where we have to adopt any of these additional measures, it will not be because we are incompetent, arrogant, dictatorial or anti-democratic. It would simply mean that our situation demands it and we do live on planet earth where covid19 is attempting to reign predominate."
However, the PM said he still hoped to open beaches for Christmas for early morning bathers, but only if the numbers allowed.
"I did say earlier that I am hoping that we could open beaches for Christmas. I’m still on that. I will give the numbers a couple of weeks to see where they are taking us and if there is no further significant deterioration we could start with early morning beach openings from say 5 am to 12 noon. We should be able to have therapeutic dips at dawn without the parties at afternoon and sunset."
He also said Carnival 2022 might be able to happen but in a limited capacity.
"We have received good advice, after extensive consultation, about Carnival. Carnival 2022 will not see street parades unvaccinated gatherings and wild public partying but there is room for 'safe zone' venue specific events where some elements of the festival can be sampled as a Carnival microcosmic mosaic with a difference."
“Very soon the Christmas season and its festivities will be upon us. We will want to have a good Christmas but we must be particularly careful to not let that Christmas be the event that pushed us over the edge.
Of the Christmas Season he said, "We will want to have a good Christmas but we must be particularly careful to not let that Christmas be the event that pushed us over the edge.
"I know you will want your family with you. Make plans to have your family as a “safe zone”. Aim to celebrate in safe zones. What I’m saying is 'get your family protected' by vaccination.
"Protect your elderly and comorbid members from you. Try and avoid a funeral for Christmas. Act now! Get vaccinated and get them vaccinated, now."
Rowley said the population had become desensitised to the rising numbers of cases and deaths. He said the vaccination numbers were alarmingly low, and there was little change in public behaviour and attitude.
“Quarantine works, vaccines work, mask wearing and sanitizing work. Adopt them to save a life, even your own.”
"PM: Grim future if cases, deaths keep rising – TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ON THE EDGE"