Toyota launches new Raize SUV

 The 2021 Toyota Raize which was launched at the Toyota showroom at Michael Rahael Boulevard, South Park, San Fernando.  Photo by Lincoln Holder
The 2021 Toyota Raize which was launched at the Toyota showroom at Michael Rahael Boulevard, South Park, San Fernando. Photo by Lincoln Holder

DRIVERS in Trinidad and Tobago can look forward to "raising" their driving experience when they get behind the wheel of the 2021 Toyota Raize sports utility vehicle.

Sales manager of Toyota Trinidad Jean La Foucade and President of Toyota Trinidad limited Ryan Latchu examine the new 2021 Toyota Raize. Photo by Lincoln Holder

Toyota Trinidad Ltd general manager Robert Thompson made this comment the launch of the 2021 Toyota Raize SUV at company's San Fernando dealership last Friday.

"The Raize is truly built with the user in mind," he said.

from left, sales manager of Toyota Trinidad Jean La Foucade, Limited, president of Toyota Trinidad Limited Ryan Latchu, general manager Robert Thompson, and distributor sales and marketing manager Bari Khan. Photo by Lincoln Holder


It is designed for the young professionals and families as well. Under the hood, Thompson said, drivers have a choice of two engine options with the Raize- 1.2 L petrol engine and a 1.0 L turbo-charged engine, which cost $175,000 and $199,900 respectively.

Members of the public were invited to visit Toyota's showrooms in San Fernando and Barataria to schedule a test drive of the Raize.

Sales manager of Toyota Trinidad Jean La Foucade. Photo by Lincoln Holder

Toyota San Fernando sales manager Jean LaFoucade said the Raize is a vibrant and unique vehicle that provides a platform for a new driving experience.

While the Raize appears small on the outside, La Foucade added that it boasts a very spacious interior and is a five-seater SUV. Its features include an engine start/stop button, multi-function steering wheel, adjustable seats, rear-seat headrests and an onboard computer.

General manager of Toyota Trinidad Robert Thompson. Photo by Lincoln Holder

Toyota sales distributor and marketing manager Bari Khan told the audience that although he is 25, he felt like 14 when he looked at the Raize, and this is the kind of excitement that Toyota wants to bring back to TT. Khan agreed with earlier comments made by Thompson and LaFoucade about the Raize.

Sales manager of Toyota Trinidad Jean La Foucade sits in the 2021 Toyota Raize which was launched at the Toyota showroom at Michael Rahael Boulevard, South Park, San Fernando on Friday. Photo by Lincoln Holder

Photo by Lincoln Holder



"Toyota launches new Raize SUV"

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