Meet Champions of Business nominees for entrepreneurship, business technology awards

Entrepreneurship has become a valued aspect of modern business because of its capacity to drive positive change not only at the commercial but at the societal level.
Common features of entrepreneurship are small size and agility. It is also closely linked with innovation, ie, the ability to improve upon what is already available to meet changing market needs.
It might be said that entrepreneurs keep the face of business fresh. And especially in the current covid19-sensitive environment, the value of entrepreneurship has been made clear.
Entrepreneurship and innovation are closely intertwined with technology, as there is hardly a facet of any product or service development that is untouched by technological advances. In fact, covid19 has also brought to the fore in no uncertain way the need for technology integration for every business of any size.
Several years before covid19 however, the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce recognised the significant impact of both entrepreneurship and technology upon our economy, and introduced the categories of entrepreneurship and business technology to its annual Champions of Business Awards back in 2014.
Both categories have continued strongly over the years, with both finalists and award recipients receiving significant exposure as a consequence.
To reach the finals, an internal committee of the Chamber considers nominations for each category and selects three finalists. From among these, one recipient from each category will be selected to receive the award. These recipients will be announced at the televised grand gala finale on November 19. We invite you to meet the finalists:
Entrepreneurship (sponsored by the Unit Trust Corporation)
• Luke Hernandez who established Guru Fitness TT Ltd, a fitness forum providing training both locally and internationally.
• Elizabeth Montano, MPhil, of Montano’s Chocolate Co Ltd. The company produces cocoa and cocoa products for the local market and niche export market expansions.
• Kyle Maloney of Tech Beach Retreat which is a global technology community platform built to support the growth of innovation in the Caribbean, providing technology summits and events, technology education and accelerator programs, and technology investment funds.
Business Technology (sponsored by bmobile)
• eboxTENDERS Ltd established by Marvin Marcelle is a software as a service (SaaS) cloud platform that uses world class technology to facilitate a leading-edge supply chain management solution through digital transformation.
• medl Ltd uses technology to improve healthcare delivery. Established jointly by Kiran Mathur Mohammed and Edward Inglefield, it connects doctors and patients to provide medication via an online pharmacy.
• Novo Farms Ltd is a division of the Novo Group. It was established by Glen Ramdhani in 2017 for the purpose bringing transformational change within the agricultural sector using innovation.
The Champions of Business Awards is one of the chamber’s annual signature events. Since 2020, because of covid19 restrictions, the gala ceremony has been presented as a televised programme which is also live streamed from CNC3 TV beginning at 8 pm on November 19.
Altogether, there are six categories of award, including Entrepreneurship (sponsored by the Unit Trust Corporation); Business Technology (sponsored by bmobile); Internationally Known...T&T Owned Company of the Year and Breakthrough Exporter (sponsored by Eximbank of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd); Green Agenda and Business Hall of Fame (sponsored by the National Gas Company).
Award recipients in each category are all champions of business.
The excitement is building as we head to November 19, so save the date and tune in!
"Meet Champions of Business nominees for entrepreneurship, business technology awards"