Time to honour Manning

THE EDITOR: I read in a newspaper that a second street will be named in honour of deceased Ken "Professor" Philmore. This pannist, who was a tremendous person, brought joy and first-class entertainment to me on our treasured instrument, the pan. I have no problem with giving this man his recognition in this way.

I firmly believe we must honour those to whom it is due. Those who may have contributed significantly to our country in whatever field, we must not forget them. Therefore something must be put in place to remind us and future generations of their contributions. Not just reading about their lives in a history book but something that we can see – along with visitors to our country.

I suggest we do the same for the late prime minister Patrick Manning. Why not name something after this stalwart who contributed so much to this nation. A person who was well known and respected in the arena of politics. Why has this not been done so many years since his passing?

Is there something being planned to honour him? Something spectacular? And is that why it is taking so long? I do not want to believe that he has not been given his due because some people had a problem with him. That would be very immature.

Rising above differences and seeing the bigger picture are the mark off a great leader. I do hope Manning will get what he deserves as a show of respect to this son of the soil.



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"Time to honour Manning"

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