TTCB closes offices due to covid19 uptick
THE TT Cricket Board (TTCB) office in Balmain, Couva, will be closed until May 23 following the announcement of the latest measures to curb the spread of covid19.
On Friday, the Prime Minister said that only essential services are allowed to operate from May 8-23. TT has seen a surge in covid19 cases and deaths over the past few weeks.
In a letter signed by TTCB president Azim Bassarath to cricket stakeholders, he said, “Further to the address by the Honourable Prime Minister this afternoon, we have taken the decision to close our administrative office at Balmain, Couva until Monday 24 May 2021. Should you need to contact us during this period, please do so via email.”
Bassarath asked the cricket community to follow the covid19 guidelines.
“We urge each member of the cricket fraternity to act responsibly and follow all the relevant covid19 protocols, so as to slow the spread of this deadly virus and please encourage your loved ones to do likewise. Wear your mask, wash and sanitize your hands and practise social distancing.”
He said that people can still exercise at home. “As it relates to physical training/practice, we ask that you do so individually in the comfort of your own home and completely desist from gathering at this time. Let us all cooperate and each do our part so that we can have a return to normalcy at the earliest, which we hope may also signal a return to the sport we all love. Stay safe.”
"TTCB closes offices due to covid19 uptick"