Former president Carmona has covid19

FORMER president Anthony Carmona confirmed on Thursday night that both he and his daughter, Anura, have tested positive for the coronavirus.
In brief telephone interview, Carmona, 68, said he, Anura, his wife Reema and their son Christian were in self-quarantine at their home.
He said he and his daughter are doing really well and are on the way to recovery.
Over the weekend they started having symptoms and contacted a relative who is a doctor. The family were tested on Sunday and the test results for himself and his daughter came back positive.
He said he has no idea where or from whom they contracted the disease, which has seen increasing numbers in Trinidad and Tobago since the Easter weekend.
The spike has led the Government to introduce stricter regulations. Local covid19 deaths to date have reached 157 and there are over 1,100 active cases at present.
Carmona said he called everyone he remembered having been in contact with, advising them to get tested, and also to tell friends and relatives they had been in contact with to do the same.
He advised people to remember well where they have been and who they have been in contact with in the event they contract the virus, which has killed over three million people worldwide.
"Former president Carmona has covid19"