Taxi drivers ready to battle

David Mark, assistant secretary of the TT Taxi Drivers' Network, addresses the media at the Macaulay Community Centre in Claxton Bay on Tuesday.

On Tuesday at the Macaulay Comuunity Centre, David mack, assistant secretary of the Trinidad and Tobago Taxi Drivers Network, spoke to members of the media together with the membership. - Marvin Hamilton
David Mark, assistant secretary of the TT Taxi Drivers' Network, addresses the media at the Macaulay Community Centre in Claxton Bay on Tuesday. On Tuesday at the Macaulay Comuunity Centre, David mack, assistant secretary of the Trinidad and Tobago Taxi Drivers Network, spoke to members of the media together with the membership. - Marvin Hamilton

Members of the TT Taxi Drivers’ Network are dissatisfied that the group is not part of the team mandated to create a system to control private-for-hire (PH) drivers.

At a news conference at the Macaulay Community Centre at Claxton Bay on Tuesday, assistant secretary David Mark accused the government of trying to give a legitimate name to an illegal entity.

In December, the Prime Minister said he gave the directive to the Ministry of Works and Transport and the Office of the Attorney General. It is geared at creating a system of authority and control to exclude undesirable elements.

"As taxi drivers, we say ‘no’ unequivocally. We are the major stakeholders. We are the first people they should come to. It is nonsense at the highest level and we will not accept that," Mark said.

"We will fight to defend the rights of legitimate taxi drivers in TT at all cost. We welcome any initiative to make this situation right. That process is to become a taxi driver."


Mark emphasised that PH is illegal in TT. Another significant concern to him and the network is the existence of other illegal industries like child pornography and human trafficking.

"Are they also going to get a bligh too to become legal entities? That is a rabbit hole that I am fearful of. Once people start to lend legitimacy to illegitimate things, they are opening the door to everyone who has the same bias."

President of the network Adrian Acosta called on taxi drivers nationwide to get ready for battle. He urged government officials to consult with the network before they do anything.

"We will not sit down and allow the government to implement any regulations concerning PH drivers," Acosta said.


"Taxi drivers ready to battle"

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