Animal activists call on PM to stop illegal fireworks

File photo: Fireworks light up the sky over Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain. PHOTO BY JEFF MAYERS
File photo: Fireworks light up the sky over Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain. PHOTO BY JEFF MAYERS

A number of animal welfare and environmental protection organisations on Friday issued an open letter to the Prime Minister calling on him to take action against the use of illegal fireworks.

The groups, which include the Animal 360 Foundation, El Socorro Centre for Wildlife Conservation, Animals Alive, Hikers Incorporated, the Animal Defence Society and others, appealed to the Prime Minister to protect all citizens from the effects of fireworks on Old Year's night.

Citing past attempts by the Fireworks Action Coalition of TT (FACTT) in May and June to bring attention to the need to tackle the sale and distribution of illegal fireworks, the group claims its efforts were met only with promises of attention and no follow-up.

"The Attorney General during a debate in the Senate on May 19 made a commitment to Trinidad and Tobago to treat with fireworks.

"The Fifth Report of the Joint Select Committee on Social Services and Public Administration submitted recommendations (June 2018) for the control of fireworks. The EMA made recommendations (September 2020) for the use of only 'noiseless' fireworks. Yet nothing has been done," it charged.

The groups also reminded the government of its responsibility to protect human and non-human lives, noting the mental and psychological effects fireworks have on people and animals each year.

"What more must citizens do to achieve peaceful occupation and security of property without the fear and scare of the indiscriminate use of fireworks?" they asked. "We again call on the Prime Minister to act with dispatch to protect all citizens from the adverse effects of fireworks and avert another year-end of destruction, injury and death."


"Animal activists call on PM to stop illegal fireworks"

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