PNM, PDP 'ready to rumble'

The Tobago House of Assembly elections will be on January 25. Nomination day is January 4. The announcement was made on Tuesday afternoon by the Office of the President, after consultation with the Prime Minister and Chief Secretary Ancil Dennis.
The ruling People's National Movement (PNM) and Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) told Newsday on Tuesday they are ready for a fierce election battle.
PNM Tobago Council political leader Tracy Davidson-Celestine said she is confident she will lead her team to victory and another four years in charge of the Assembly. Davidson-Celestine was elected PNM Tobago Council political leader in January. If she and her party are successful in the election, Tobago will have its first female chief secretary.
Moments after the election date was announced, she told Newsday, “All systems are in place and we are ready, ready, ready to rumble…We are very ready and we have been ready for some time now.“As a matter of fact, the PNM has been in election mode since December 2019 when we started the preparations for the internal election, and recently we had the general election. The wheels have been very oiled and we are moving.”The PNM took ten of the 12 electoral districts in the 2017 THA election. The PDP won two. Both parties have revealed their 12 prospective candidates and campaigning has already begun. Davidson-Celestine, who has served as a member in the THA for 13 years and as deputy political leader, says the goal is to win all 12 seats. “It’s about winning the majority of the seats. We have 12 excellent candidates on the ground right now and they have received very good feedback...The people have indicated they are comfortable with the level of stability with how the PNM has been able to manage the pandemic and they would want Tobago to continue to be in very stable hands.”Davidson-Celestine previously contested and won the Parlatuvier/ L’Anse Fourmi/ Speyside seat but in this election, she will be vying for the Lambeau/Signal Hill seat. Davidson-Celestine, describing herself as “a seasoned politician,” said she will bring not only bring experience but also passion and a spirit of collaboration. “I am ready in more ways than one, mentally and physically to lead Tobago development.”
Asked about covid19 guidelines during campaigning Davidson-Celestine said her team will ensure the safety of supporters and candidates isn't compromised.
PDP political leader Watson Duke said his team is also aiming to take all 12 seats. This will be the second THA election fought by the PDP since it was formed in 2016. Though Duke has taken a back seat and is pushing for deputy leader Farley Augustine, candidate for Parlatuvier / L’ Anse Fourmi/ Speyside, to be the next chief secretary, he said the party is prepared to show Tobagonians they deserve a better quality of life.
“I have total confidence in Farley Augustine that he will represent the change Tobago longs for and the representation that reflects the will of our people. For far too long the PNM has led Tobago like cloak and dagger – a term used to describe a situation full of secrets and mystery.“They have ruled the majority by the will of the minority, and that comes to an end on election day as Tobago would elect a young vibrant man and a PDP team that would listen and be fair in the disbursement of the resources. He would be the first to usher in social justice, opportunities regardless of creed, race and political affiliation. Tobago would finally be able to pursue their dreams in a real and tangible way.” Augustine said his team is excited and ready for the challenge. He said, “Up to Sunday night at the opening of the campaign office for Scarborough/Calder Hall, I asked the members of the party to prepare for a January 25 election."
Augustine said his party will be observing the covid19 protocols to keep supporters safe.
“We will be adhering to the guidelines. In fact, we were the ones to pioneer the drive-in political campaign for the first time in this country. We will continue to be creative as we campaign and keep everyone safe.”
Other candidates expected to fight the THAT election include Class Action Reform's Ricardo Phillip, Nickocy Phillips of Unity of the People and independent candidate Anthony Hector.
"PNM, PDP ‘ready to rumble’"