TT Chamber: What about food and beverage industry?

Gabriel Faria, CEO of the TT Chamber of indusrty and Commerce. - Frederic DUBRAY
Gabriel Faria, CEO of the TT Chamber of indusrty and Commerce. - Frederic DUBRAY

THE TT Chamber of Commerce and Industry says it is disappointed that its recommendations to reopen food and beverage businesses were not accepted by the government.

The chamber issued a statement shortly after Prime Minister Rowley announced the gradual lifting of restrictions on casinos, cinemas, gyms, and the return to work of all public servants during a media briefing in Tobago on Saturday.

"(The Chamber) remains very concerned about the minimal positive impact this will have on the economy," it said, adding that it was particularly disappointed that some businesses were not allowed to reopen, even after it made submissions of detailed protocols by various business sectors to the health ministry, which it said were more stringent than their own guidelines in many cases.

"We indicated our willingness to meet to discuss any additional measures required to alleviate any apprehensions to facilitate reopening.

"While some sectors have reopened," the chamber added, "there are many businesses in the food and beverage sector, among others, who remain severely affected by the full or partial closure, some for over seven months."


The chamber said the government plays a vital role in setting the conditions essential to recovery and strengthening the economy.

"The decisions our government leaders make can positively or negatively impact not only the strength and speed of the recovery, but whether entire industries, businesses and segments of our workforce get left behind."

It said, "The impact is not just on these businesses but the ripple effect it can have across our economy, from landlords, banks, suppliers, employees, crime, mental health and domestic violence."

The chamber ended by saying it was crucial that the government target the appropriate fiscal support for tax compliant businesses due to the debilitating impact the measures continue to have on them.

Food and beverage businesses such as bars, restaurants have been restricted to curbside delivery for months to prevent patrons from gathering in large numbers and to avoid the risk of contagion and non-adherence of safety protocols such as wearing masks, staying six feet apart, and washing hands frequently while consuming alcohol.


"TT Chamber: What about food and beverage industry?"

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