PSA, CPO, Labour Ministry still to meet on public servants' rostering
The Public Services Association (PSA), the Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) and the Ministry of Labour are still to meet over the roster for public servants.
At a press conference at the association’s Abercromby Street, Port of Spain headquarters on Tuesday, PSA president Watson Duke said, “No, we have not had that conversation with the CPO, nor have we been invited.
“But I want to use this opportunity to appeal to the CPO and all that would have an influence on input into the rostering situation that needs to be managed and handled properly to meet with the PSA so we can discuss the matter and have it settled.”
The Prime Minister announced at a covid19 press briefing on October 10 that he had told the head of the public service to ensure a written roster was kept at all stations, all locations, and that public servants were to rotate in and out of their offices. This was to curb abuse of the rotation system.
When asked if the government had spoken to the PSA about concerns of issues like absenteeism, Dr Rowley said: “I am not aware that the government spoke to the PSA, but the government has its responsibility and the PSA have theirs. We expect where there is co-operation there is progress. Where there is no co-operation, well, the progress will be in danger.”
He said the CPO and Labour Minister Stephen Mc Clashie would address the issue with the PSA.
"PSA, CPO, Labour Ministry still to meet on public servants’ rostering"