Debra Greaves
A customer makes a purchase at a vegetable stall at the Green Market. - SUREASH CHOLAI
THE Green Market held a chocolate-themed day on October 2 at its upper Santa Cruz venue. From fresh cocoa pods to chocolate-scented candles, customers had a range of products to choose from, along with the regular fruits, vegetables, plants, food, and artisanal products at the market which opens every Saturday.
Chocolate-scented candles at Teresina Lucio's booth, Candle Babies, at the Green Market during its chocolate-themed day on October 2. - SUREASH CHOLAI
Raffique Ali of Cocoa Dreams shows his cocoa pods and products from his Cocoa Dreams Estate in Gran Couva. - SUREASH CHOLAI
Leeanna Soodoo, left, and Sheetal Samaroo show off their pineapple chow purchased from the Chow Extreme stall. - SUREASH CHOLAI
"Market day"