Eric Williams Memorial Committee honours flagman

Chairman of the Dr Eric Williams Memorial Committee Reginald Vidale (centre) with honourees Ann Williams and David Nelson at the esplanade in Scarborough, Tobago on Republic Day. - Ayanna Kinsale
Chairman of the Dr Eric Williams Memorial Committee Reginald Vidale (centre) with honourees Ann Williams and David Nelson at the esplanade in Scarborough, Tobago on Republic Day. - Ayanna Kinsale

THE Dr Eric Williams Memorial Committee last Thursday honoured new national flag bearer Pte David Nelson and retired member of the TT Girl Guides Association Ann Williams for their contributions to community and public life.

During a simple ceremony at the I Love You Tobago gateway sign in Scarborough on Republic Day, committee chairman Reginald Vidale presented Nelson with the Father of the Nation Medal of Merit Gold. Williams, who was honoured with the Father of the Nation Medal of Merit Silver, could not attend the function. Her award was accepted by ranger/guider Ann Second.

On August 15, Nelson replaced Peter Diaz as the official national flag bearer. Diaz had carried the national flag for some 20 years. After the ceremony, Nelson told reporters he appreciated the medal.

“I did not expect this medal at this point in time. This work has just started. It is a long road ahead. I am only 48 years old and I received the flag from Mr Herbert Diaz at 81. God’s willing, I am hoping to meet his age,” he said. Nelson said he hoped the medal would inspire young people to work hard and set goals for themselves.

He also said he hoped TT, on achieving its 44th anniversary as a Republic, will overcome the covid19 pandemic so that the country can return to some semblance of normalcy. Second said Williams, who dedicated her life to the upliftment of Tobago’s children, is very grateful for the honour.


“The Girl Guides Association is extremely grateful to be recognised for our service,” she said. “We do not perform our acts for young people for rewards but it is always nice to be recognised for the years that you commit to disciplining and training young people.”

Second said citizens must acknowledge the blessings they have received over the years. “We do have so many blessings that many other countries do not have. And sometimes, although we are accustomed to the benefits that we have, sometimes we forget that and dwell too much on the negative.

“We have to cherish the good things that we have and try to commit all of our creativity and energy towards improving our country.” Second said the association does not only look after the welfare of girls and young women but also charts the course for families and communities.

“So, we really hold the responsibility very dear to our hearts and we recommit every year to seeing young people develop and reach their fullest potential. In his remarks, Vidale urged citizens to reflect on the nation’s motto and watchwords to see them through the pandemic.

“If we use these fundamentals for our very existence in these times I can assure you that it would give us the unity and strength to combat this pandemic,” he said.


"Eric Williams Memorial Committee honours flagman"

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