Pt Fortin MP mourns Jeffrey's passing

MANY are mourning the loss of former La Brea MP and high commissioner to Jamaica Fitzgerald Jeffrey, including Point Fortin MP Kennedy Richards Jr. Jeffrey, 69, died on Saturday night after losing a three-year battle with lung disease.
In a Facebook post, Richards extended condolences to Jeffrey's family on behalf of his constituents. He said he was "a true public servant."Mr Jeffery would have first served as a distinguished educator, shaping the young minds of hundreds as a teacher, vice-principal and principal at the Palo Seco Secondary School...Taking a step higher of public service, he served as member of parliament to our neighbouring constituency of La Brea, a former minister and most recently High Commissioner to Jamaica.
"We thank Mr Jeffery for his decades of yeoman service to not only his community but his contribution to national development through representation."
He also extended his "deepest sympathies" to Jeffrey's wife, Julia, and daughter Tehilla. "We pray that peace and harmony resonate within their hearts to remain strong in this time."
"Pt Fortin MP mourns Jeffrey’s passing"