Azariah: My art comes from within

Every artist has that one special source that inspires them to create. For twelve-year-old Azariah Gordon, it’s her emotions. The Montrose Government Primary School student is about to have her first art exhibition on September 5. Let’s learn a little bit about the artist first.
“I started painting when I was about three or four years old. I just liked the colours and I can be myself when I’m doing it. Nothing could be wrong because I’m in my world. The world of art,” said Azariah.
She recently sat the SEA examination on August 20, after five months of revision since the date was changed from April 2 when schools closed because of covid19. Now that the exam is completed, she plans to do at least two paintings every week. She had already painted two since the exam.
Due to public health guidelines to stay at home to keep people safe, the exhibition will take place live via Facebook. Azariah initially had other plans.
“It’s online because of covid19 and I wanted it to be like an auction. People could bid on it and I sell to the highest bidder. But all items would be priced. I have 17 paintings,” said Azariah.
All of the young painter’s work is considered abstract. Her reason for this was simple and was the underlying reason for her love for art.
“I like to do things my way and nothing would be wrong. I just start painting and wherever my mind takes me, I go. The horizon and the environment around inspire me and also current situations. And yes, my emotions. If I’m angry I would paint something horrible. I don’t know where my next brush would stroke,” she said.
What is also different, is that Azariah doesn’t get inspiration from other artists or videos. She explained, “I don’t ask anyone. I just do it by myself, No YouTube videos or online help. If I am desperate and need some more inspiration, I would listen to Beyonce because she is very creative. I would see where my mind takes me from there. It takes me about one hour to complete a painting.”
As for the future, Azariah hopes that she gets to attend Holy Faith Convent in Couva where she would do art. She also plans on becoming a pilot. Her interest in learning to fly comes from her uncle who is a helicopter pilot and engineer.
“I want to be come a pilot because my uncle is a pilot. I enjoy helicopter rides and I also want to travel the world. I’ve already been to Barbados,” she said
You won’t find Azariah on any social media platform, as she considers it a waste of time but you can view the live exhibition via Jedede Events Facebook page. Jedede is the events coordinator for the exhibition. The show starts at 4 pm at Azariah’s Couva home and the artist would do a live demonstration from 5.30 pm.
"Azariah: My art comes from within"