Mark: Imbert desperate to challenge Padarath

PNM TRICKS: Former UNC senator Wade Mark makes a point on Tuesday during a press conference in Port of Spain in support of the party’s PoS North/West candidate Darren Garner, right. 
 - Ayanna Kinsale
PNM TRICKS: Former UNC senator Wade Mark makes a point on Tuesday during a press conference in Port of Spain in support of the party’s PoS North/West candidate Darren Garner, right. - Ayanna Kinsale

WADE MARK, United National Congress (UNC) former senator, is unfazed by the People’s National Movement’s (PNM’s) challenge of the validity of the candidacy of Princes Town MP Barry Padarath.

At a briefing on Tuesday in support of UNC candidate for Port of Spain North/St Ann’s West Darren Garner, Mark rejected queries over Padarath’s candidacy voiced on Monday by PNM chairman Colm Imbert who alleged Padarath had filled out the wrong form. While in mandatory quarantine against covid19 on his return from the US, Padarath’s election agent had filed his form, but Imbert argued that since Padarath was physically present in TT he should have used a form requiring his signature not his agent’s.

Mark said, “If I am a candidate and I go to you as returning officer and you stamp my form and you tell me I am clear, your responsibility as returning officer acting on behalf of the EBC (Elections and Boundaries Commission) is to ensure that my form, my nomination papers are in order.

“When you give the stamp of approval that they are in order, that (challenge to Padarath) is just old talk and desperation on the part of Colm Imbert. That’s old talk.”

Mark questioned Imbert’s motives and said people in Princes Town will vote for Padarath by an overwhelming majority.


“I’m telling the people of Princes Town, vote for Barry Padarath and give him 17,000 votes on that day, August 10, and ignore the outgoing Minister of Finance who has been a monumental failure.” Mark said Imbert’s claim to fame was overseeing the contraction of the TT economy.

“Not one year under his stewardship did our economy grow. This (Imbert) is a fellow you just have to ignore.”

At a recent PNM meeting, two speakers said Princes Town needed a real woman, a remark criticised by many observers, after which an unfazed Padarath had declared, “Nothing they can say or do will deter me from winning the seat.”


"Mark: Imbert desperate to challenge Padarath"

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