Silent no more
THE EDITOR: Against advice, I am responding to months of what I consider defamation from specific members of the public who chose to pedal lies and spew poisonous and decadent rhetoric, without boundaries, even at the cost of the peace and safety of my wife and children.
I have been made the subject of vitriolic videos and caricatures sent via WhatsApp to my children, my wife, my clients and my work colleagues. I have suffered continuous attempts to discredit my personal and professional reputation and track record. I have had numerous lies told about my work, and I have had my good name vulgarly sprawled across platforms. But now I choose to not stay silent.
Who is Angus Young?
I am a husband and father of young children. I have a mortgage, vehicle loans, and I budget like most people do to pay school fees, insurance premiums, utilities, grocery and medical bills. I entered university at 17 and graduated by 20. I have been working full time for the last 20 years in the financial services industry in Trinidad and throughout the wider Caribbean region.
My wife of 14 years is my best friend and confidante. She earned a GPA of 4.0 and was valedictorian of her graduating year. The day after her valedictorian speech, she was invited to join a political party but neither she nor I have any such aspirations.
She is an entrepreneur and a rock star too. She keeps the family together and is the best wife I could ever want and the best mother my children could ever have. Her love and support are the reasons I am where I am today. It is our success, not just mine.
On the matter of my work, my professional track record has earned me many good opportunities – and on merit. I have earned my pay.
I think it is in the public interest to provide proper and correct information to counter the ignorance that is being pedalled as financial analysis.
In September 2014, at the age of 35, I was appointed CEO of NCB Global Finance (NCBGF). NCBGF was previously AIC Finance Ltd, and prior to that, Total Finance Ltd. When I joined NCBGF, the UNC formed the government and UNC minister of finance Larry Howai cut the ribbon at the NCBGF launch and in his speech wished NCBGF well as NCBJ entered the TT market.
NCBGF is here for the long haul, to serve our markets regardless of who forms the government and always fully complaint with the laws and regulations that govern our industry. NBCGF is regulated by the Central Bank and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
To my accusers, you have sought to take advantage of the very people you would like to lead. You know your accusations are false and fabricated as you disregard the truth in an attempt to fool the public who doesn’t have, and is not expected to have, an intimate understanding of investment banking. You don’t respect those you would like to lead as you are taking advantage of people who don’t know better, and as such you abuse the trust they have in you. To you I say, as Bob Marley did in paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln, “You can fool some people sometimes but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”
You have sought to destroy my reputation after all the sacrifices my wife and I have made to get where we are today. You can’t do that. The universe has a way of dealing with these things.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.
via e-mail
"Silent no more"