Advice from agencies: When you should wear masks

With people across the country sharing different views about how and where they should wear masks, we've compiled a list of advice by the experts to offer some guidance.
The Ministry of Health says people should wear a mask over their nose and mouth when they go out in public.
Other agencies have additional advice:
In a list of quick facts about wearing masks, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (Carpha) shared advice on when it is necessary to wear a mask and when it isn't.
Times when it is necessary to wear a mask:
Waiting for a taxi at a taxi stand
Travelling with other people in a taxi or bus.
In line to get into the open market, supermarket, bank and business.
When shopping, conducting a transaction in the open market, supermarket, bank and other businesses.
When filling up your tank in the gas station.
Visiting your elderly relatives to check on them or deliver food or ensure their wellbeing.
Times when it isn't necessary to wear a mask:
Driving in your car alone.
Driving with your immediate family in the car.
Riding a bicycle or motorcycle.
Walking on the street when there aren't any other people nearby.
The World Health Organization's advice on when and how to wear medical masks:
If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if: You are taking care of a person with covid19.
You are coughing or sneezing.
Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.
"Advice from agencies: When you should wear masks"