Arrival concert to aid chutney artistes

IF you are locked in and longing for some good chutney/soca music then get ready for an incredible experience as Arrival D Concert premiers Saturday.
Fans of this genre can enjoy some of their favourite East Indian artiste from their living room as the concert will be streamed live on Facebook and YouTube from 5.30 pm.
The show will be hosted by Big Rich and will feature artistes such as Raymond Ramnarine, Rooplal Girdharrie, Satnarine Ragoo, Veejai Ramkissoon, Reshma Ramlal, Anuradha Hansraj, Savita Singh and reigning Chutney Soca Monarch (CSM) GI Beharry. They will be supported by the Avatar band led by Kishore "Wizzy" Ramdath.
Southex promoter, George Singh who produces the CSM, said the concert has a dual purpose – to commemorate the 175th anniversary of Indian Arrival Day as well as to generate income for the struggling artistes.
“The concert will raise funds for those artistes most affected by the covid19 pandemic shutdown. The entertainment industry has been affected in a major way by the pandemic shutdown. While many other businesses may see a light at the end of the tunnel, our local artistes in TT are faced with zero income from an industry that went from the top of its game to literally nothing overnight. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for artistes,” Singh said.
“Our local artistes who are ‘superstars’ in their own right, are very simple folks who have been quietly suffering with many of them having nowhere to turn.
“There are many artistes, not as popular as others, that are off the grid. While they made a living basically gig to gig, they are now faced with no form of income and means to put food on their table.”
Southex is one of the "caretakers" of the Indo-Caribbean music industry and the company felt obligated to take care of the artistes and raise funds for those now without an income.
Singh assured all physical distancing regulations have been taken into consideration for the concert which will be streamed from a private location, “with good stage and lighting.”
During the event, a "donate" button will give viewers the option to donate using a credit card via PayPal. All donations will go to an artistes' fund, Singh said.
He said this is the time for those who have enjoyed the artistes' contribution over the years to feel good about supporting their cause.
“Pledge today to ensure a culture tomorrow,” he said.
Anyone willing to support can contact 653-2908, 6538-923 or via e-mail at
"Arrival concert to aid chutney artistes"