PM tours manufacturing companies

The Prime Minister says TT is open for business. He said this while visiting several manufacturing companies on Wednesday.
The visits happened one week after covid19 restrictions were lifted on the manufacturing sector on May 21 enabling them to resume operations.
Among the companies visited were Caribbean Packaging Industries, Vemco, Nestle and TYE Manufacturing.
Dr Rowley was accompanied by Minister of Trade and Industry Paula Gopee-Scoon and advisor to the PM on agriculture, Dr John Alleyne.
At Caribbean Packaging Industries, Rowley praised the company for providing employment for people.
“Jobs are important, very important. You are working with incorporating a union – very important. The business is in assisting other businesses in the country to be competitive, not only in the local market but the external market, and presentation is important.”
He noted the company’s desire to expand. Caribbean Packaging produces biodegradable packaging. Rowley said the government would assist in helping the company increase its export capacity.
“You want to invest and expand, and we want you to invest and expand. “ can create a replacement for Styrofoam, killing a number of birds with one stone, to protect the environment and replace with very attractive and hygienic boxes. It might be an improved product and we look forward to that.”
Speaking to the workers of Vemco, Rowley said he recognised the workers were adhering to measures aimed at ensuring the covid19 virus did not spread.
“The virus has affected the whole world and we had to shut our business down. Some of you have been away from jobs across the country. What we are doing now is tentatively, carefully, cautiously coming back out, exposing ourselves but knowing a little bit more than when we started about what we need to do to give ourselves a good chance of surviving and not allowing the virus to propagate.
“Keep following the advice of the health care professionals…Trinidadians now you are out to work and now you are able to earn with dignity and you have a future. I want to say notwithstanding, pandemic or no pandemic, as long as we are a disciplined people, the future of the people of TT will always be bright.”
"PM tours manufacturing companies"