PM: Phased reopening from Monday

The Prime Minister has announced a phased re-opening of businesses. Some restrictions imposed to curb the spread of covid19 will be lifted as early as Monday.
Dr Rowley made the announcement during a news conference at the Diplomatic Centre on Saturday.
He said restaurants and roadside street vendors will be allowed to reopen for business. The ban on in-house dining remains in effect.
In the first phase, May 10-23, these businesses will be able to operate, but must close by 8 pm.
In this period, people will be allowed to exercise outdoors but must still maintain the six-feet-away rule and must not congregate.
The government has also authorised the restart of three manufacturing businesses: the West Indian Tobacco Company, Trinidad Cement Ltd and Nu Iron, which all provide goods for the regional market.
Hardware stores can now open from 8 am- 4pm. Previously they were ordered to close by noon.
People are urged to wear a mask in public and to continue to practise good hygiene by washing their hands frequently.
In the second phase, May 24-June 6, it is proposed that the manufacturing sector will reopen and all public-sector construction can resume.
The restriction of 50 per cent occupancy of public transport remains in effect.
And between June 7 and June 20, it is proposed that all public services are scheduled to resume operations. Flexi-time and alternate-day work will be considered. All private-sector construction is also proposed to resume by then. Public transport occupancy will then move to 75 per cent.
Rowley said the proposed changes are dependent on the results of the more random testing and the public's adherence to the safety measures to prevent possible community spread of the virus.
The country's borders will remain closed until further notice.
"PM: Phased reopening from Monday"