Playwright, director Tony Hall is dead

LOCAL theatre stalwart Tony Hall died on Monday morning, reportedly from a heart attack. He would have been 72 on July 16.
Hall, from San Fernando, wore many hats as a playwright, screenwriter, actor and director.
His best-known plays were Jean and Dinah (1994), about the lives of the two ladies of the night who feature in Sparrow’s calypso, and Miss Miles (2011), a one-woman play about the public servant Gene Miles, the whistleblower who uncovered the Gas Station Racket in the 1960s.
Hall, whose full name was Michael Anthony Hall, was an alumnus of Canada’s University of Alberta and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.
He had lectured at universities in the USA and UK as well at UWI and UTT.
According to the jouvayinstitute.blogspot, in 2002, Hall, Bruce Paddington and Christopher Laird, as Banyan, received the Vanguard Award from the National Drama Association for innovative ground-breaking television.
Hall also received NDATT’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013.
Hall, Laird and Paddington, as Banyan, received a Pioneer Award at the TT Film Festival in 2013 for longstanding contribution to film in the Caribbean.
Hall was the brother of comedian Dennis “Sprangalang” Hall.
"Playwright, director Tony Hall is dead"