Kalifa Sarah Clyne
A police officer is seen wearing a mask and gloves as she performs her traffic duty in San Fernando. - Vashti Singh
Government announced increased travel restrictions and guidlines for individuals and businesses to follow as the country attempts to slow the spread of covid19.
There are five confirmed cases in Trinidad and none in Tobago.
Newsday photographers captured these images which show how some have implemented the measures.
If you'd like to be featured in our daily photo galleries, please e-mail us a photo to news@newsday.co.tt with the caption "Photo of the Day" and we will pick one photo each day to feature, with a few sentences about the photographer.
Shoarn Neptune a Barber at Chenno Styles Barbershop using his phone as he has little to no customers coming into the shop since the COVID-19 cases in Trinidad and Tobago. - CHEQUANA WHEELER
DATTA home for the elderly posted signs advising that they were not accepting visits from relatives. - Angelo Marcelle
An immigration officer attends to the long line outside the Immigration Division, Frederick Street, Port of Spain. Institutions are attempting to reduce the spread of the coronavirus by prohibiting mass gatherings in enclosed areas. - ANGELO_MARCELLE
Long Circular Mall's food court is empty of seats, a move meant to discourage mass gatherings, in line with Government's guidelines. - Jeff Mayers
After every trip, Paula Andrews of the engineering department at the Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) sanitizes the driver's pit and the passenger seats as a measure to slow the spread of the coronavirus. - Ayanna Kinsale
Passengers at City Gate, Port of Spain, use hand sanitizer provided by the Public Transport Service Corporation. - Ayanna Kinsale
Christina Wallace sanitizes a seat at Nicholas Tower food court, Port of Spain. - Ayanna Kinsale
"Photos of the day: Trinidad reacts to covid19"