Updated: Jamaica confirms covid19 case

Image courtesy CDC
Image courtesy CDC

Jamaica's Health and Wellness Minister Dr Christopher Tufton has confirmed that a woman on the island has tested positive for covid19.

In a televised media conference, Tufton asked the public to remain calm and implement advisories related to personal hygiene and social distancing.

He said his ministry was doing everything necessary to confront the issue and trace people who had come into contact with the individual, and had already contacted the woman’s family members.

"We anticipated from some time ago that there was a strong possibility that this day would come. We are part of the global community with relatively open borders.

"We have been preparing and now we trigger the next phase of the response," Tufton said.


Jamaica is the first country in the English-speaking Caribbean to confirm a case.

Other countries with covid19 in the region are Dominican Republic, St Martin, Guadeloupe and Martinique.

Tufton said the woman arrived in Jamaica on March 4, was seen by physicians on March 9 and had been in isolation since then.

“Based on the patient’s travel history and symptoms, health professionals suspected covid19. A clinical sample was collected and sent to the National Influenza Centre where laboratory tests confirmed the diagnosis today (Tuesday) at approximately 11am. The patient and family members have been informed.”

Tufton said the patient’s infection was travel-related, but steps are being taken to prevent the risk of community spread.

He said the government’s travel restrictions to and from China, Italy, South Korea, Singapore and Iran remain in place and Spain, France and Germany have been added to the list.

“The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and I met this morning with the ambassadors of those countries, together with the ambassador for the EU and have informed them that based on the risk assessment of community spread of the virus in those countries, that travel restrictions would be imposed.

”Further, I would like to advise that public gatherings are discouraged, non-essential travel is discouraged, we continue to patrol irregular border crossings, sensitisation of key personnel at all air and sea ports is ongoing , we have designated four quarantine facilities and others will be identified, and we are finalising the retrofitting of isolation facilities in each of the public hospitals.”

Tufton reminded Jamaicans of the advice to prevent infection.


In Trinidad and Tobago 37 people have been tested for the virus with negative results.


Personal hygiene measures are effective to protect yourself and your loved ones from covid19.

* Wash your hands properly with soap and water

* Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if water and soap are not available

* Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze

* Dispose of tissue immediately after using

* Cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow if you do not have a tissue

* Avoid touching your face


* Stay home if you are ill

* Avoid close contact with people who have flu-like symptoms


"Updated: Jamaica confirms covid19 case"

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