Sinanan: Police guard needed after protest

Minister of Works and Transport, Rohan Sinanan
 Photo: Angelo Marcelle
Minister of Works and Transport, Rohan Sinanan Photo: Angelo Marcelle

WORKS and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan said road repairs in Moruga were being done under police supervision.

He was responding to an urgent question in the Senate on Tuesday from Opposition Senator Wade Mark on protests by residents of Indian Walk, Moruga over road conditions in the area and what action was being taken to resolve this situation. Sinanan commented, said, “It is noteworthy that the protest action which took place (Monday) was actually on one of the active landslip sites.

As a result of this, the contractor was unable to continue work, due to the hostility of the protesters.

“However, work has recommenced under police supervision.”

He reported the Moruga Road Rehabilitation Project comprised 42 landslips, four bridges and the rehabilitation of the existing road. Contracts were awarded for 29 landslips, of which 14 have been completed, 15 are ongoing and the remaining 13 were scheduled to start shortly.


He reported three bridges have completed, work on one is ongoing, and to date the Programme for Upgrading Roads Efficiency unit has completed eight kilometres of the 28 kilometres of road to be rehabilitated.

The remaining 20 kilometres will be repaired in line with the completion of work on the remaining landslips.

Mark asked whether criminal elements were largely responsible for bringing a halt to the work, which caused residents to protest.

Sinanan replied: “We have had instances where contractors would have been approached by different groups in different areas. Moruga is one of those areas where we do have this challenge. However on this specific project, I cannot confirm that that is the issue.”

Mark then asked if the minister was aware that MP for Moruga/Tableland Dr Lovell Francis had indicated on his Facebook page that criminal elements were responsible for the work on that project stopping.

Senate President Christine Kangaloo said she would not allow that question.


"Sinanan: Police guard needed after protest"

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