Coryal man on murder charge

CHARGED: Glen Joseph charged with the murder of Paul Carrera. PHOTO COURTESY TTPS - TTPS
CHARGED: Glen Joseph charged with the murder of Paul Carrera. PHOTO COURTESY TTPS - TTPS

A Coryal man was expected to appear before an Arima Magistrate on Wednesday charged with the murder of Paul Carrera, which occurred on Friday January 31.

A TTPS release stated that Glen Joseph, 45, of Carmichael Village, was charged with the offence on Tuesday February 11, following advice from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on that same date.

Carrera, 51, of Cumuto Main Road, Tamana, was standing along the roadway at Talparo Junction on Wednesday January 29, when he was approached by man armed with a piece of wood. The man struck Carrera several blows to the head before running off. The victim was taken to the Arima Health Centre before being transferred to the intensive care unit of the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, where he died the following Friday.

A suspect subsequently surrendered to officers of the La Horquetta Police Station on Monday February 3. Investigations were supervised by ASP Sean Dhilpaul of the Homicide Bureau of Investigations (Region II), while Joseph was charged by PC Marvin Burke of the San Raphael Police Station.


"Coryal man on murder charge"

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