Sinanan: Onus on drivers to avoid crashes

WHILE TT’s roads may not have the best infrastructure or be the safest in the world, personal responsibility is also important, said Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan.
In an interview on Monday, Sinanan said his ministry has some standards and will continue to put safety measures in place.
“Everyone has to take personal responsibility once they utilise the road infrastructure. Because we have to be responsible for those who are in vehicles and cyclists. We have to respect everyone who uses the roads.
“What we have found is, a lot of our accidents with heavy fatalities happens early in the morning. Not from people who are going to work but from people who are heading home from the night before.”
Asked to comment on the increase in road fatalities from 114 in 2018 to 117 in 2019, Sinanan said it is always unfortunate when there is one road fatality.
Sinanan said it is always unfortunate when there is one road fatality.
“It is very unfortunate, especially to the families. We have been for the last four years, enjoyed a decrease every year, which we were very proud about, and we would continue to do a lot of road-safety initiatives."
"Sinanan: Onus on drivers to avoid crashes"