Tell us about police, says PSC
MEMBERS of the public are being asked to frankly express their views on the police service, as the Police Service Commission (PSC) launches its 2019 Public Trust, Confidence and Satisfaction Survey today.
The survey lets the public share their views on a wide range of critical issues related to the public perception of the police.
“These include citizens' satisfaction with policing services, trust and confidence in the police, police legitimacy and fear of crime.”
The PSC said such surveys help it to do its job of monitoring the efficacy of the Commissioner of Police (COP) and deputy commissioners.
The 2019 survey will build on past surveys done since 2011.
Saying the survey will give key insights into experiences citizens have with the police service, the statement said, “So we encourage citizens from all walks of life to share their views and to be as candid as possible.” The PSC said the more people who take part, the more representative the results will be.
The online survey is anonymous, takes seven minutes to do and will be done from today o November 8. It is available at the websites and social media feeds of government ministries and departments and at the PSC’s website at
The PSC will also launch an Employee Satisfaction Survey for members of the police on job satisfaction plus issues such as the leadership, communication and performance of the police. This survey can be found anonymously online at the police service Intranet. It will run from yesterday (Tuesday) to October 29.
The commission’s secretariat will analyse the responses to both surveys and submit its final report and recommendation to the PSC by the end of January 2020. The survey results will contribute to the annual performance appraisal of the COP and deputy commissioners, give a picture of public concerns and identify opportunities to improve police service performance to help ensure public safety and security.
"Tell us about police, says PSC"