Tax amnesty ends Sunday

Citizens have until Friday to file their income tax returns.
Act No 13 of 2019, provides for a tax amnesty for the period June 15, 2019 to September 15, 2019. This allows for the waiver of penalties and interest charges payable by taxpayers on outstanding tax liabilities in relation to taxes under the revenue laws.
The act provides for the waiver of interest on any outstanding taxes, where they are due and payable for the years up to and including the year ending December 31, 2018 and that the taxes are paid before or during the period of the tax amnesty.
Additionally, a waiver of penalties is applicable on or to any tax or outstanding tax or interest for the years up to and including the year ending December 31, 2018, where the outstanding taxes are paid before or during the period of the tax amnesty.
"Tax amnesty ends Sunday"