New Green Party formed

A new political party, the Green Party, has been formed and has been registered with the Elections and Boundaries Commission.
This was announced yesterday in a release by Dr Everold Hosein, its political leader.
The release said Hosein was a distinguished scholar at City University of New York, School of Public Health, and a communications adviser-consultant to the UN (WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNEP, UNWOMEN).
Hosein was born in California, TT, and attended Presentation College, San Fernando. His university education was at the universities of Kansas and Michigan.
Hosein said the Green Party’s website – – would be launched on September 7 at 11.30 am.
He said the website presented a transformation agenda, with the first priority being the introduction of a new education system for children from birth to 12.
“It is sad the kind of schools our young children have to endure. The Green Party plans to have 160 new air-conditioned schools built for children nine months to 12 years in four years.
“There will be several additional features and major modifications to the curriculum and teaching methods, including no homework and no transitioning standardised tests (like in Finland).”
He said other priorities shared on the website would include health – quality of life, including environmental issues; a mass rapid transit system; arts and culture; enhanced community life; free internet access; better urban planning; and economic diversification.
The party's agenda will also include working towards a universal basic income, crime, foreign and Caribbean affairs and governance.
“After nearly 60 years of independence, it is time to turn Trinidad and Tobago into the fantastic TT it should be.
“The word “fantastic” and TT go nicely together. Note the two T's in fantastic!” Hosein said.
"New Green Party formed"