Businessman: TT too divided

AS TT celebrates 57 years of independence tomorrow, businessman Balliram Maharaj questions what we the people have achieved. He asked whether we were a better society today than when we were under the control of colonialism. He said there was more hate and anger towards each other.
"The time has come as an independent nation to end the hate and see God in every human being. Don't look up or look down at any one, but see divine spark in all."
At a news conference at Valpark Shopping Plaza on Thursday, Maharaj said this may be a good opportunity to include non-parliamentarians to assist in making responsible suggestions, to be represented on committees that discuss and decide what is best for the country.
"In 1970, oil and gas took control of the economy in the energy sector, (and this resulted in) a drastic decline in the agriculture sector. There is increased gang activity with more guns and murders. There is more hate and anger towards one another and that is exactly what the colonial masters did to us – divide and rule.
"Are we truly a nation where every creed and race has an equal place? We are still hearing a lot of 'we' and 'them.' The diversity of our society is readily visible with the presence of many people of mixed ethnicities. Do mixed races feel they have no identity?"
He said the dougla population was increasing, but politicians were separating them for their own personal gain.
Maharaj said citizens failed to enjoy their culture and religions, and priority was given to hate instead of love.
"It is time to stop the hate and see the love in every human being. All of us are one. See God in everybody, that is how it should be.
"There is only one race, and that is the human race."
"Businessman: TT too divided"