[UPDATED] Sinanan thanks mom at her funeral

Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan yesterday said a final farewell to his mother Leelamatie Sinanan at her funeral at her home at Guaico Junction, Sangre Grande. She would have been 75 this December.
Leela, as she was fondly called, suffered a stroke some time ago and died on Wednesday after a bout of pneumonia.
Sinanan thanked his mother for keeping him and his siblings grounded, for making him the man is today.
He said he was celebrating his mother’s life because he was thankful for the years he had with her, and said the sacrifices she made for them were taken for granted, but she taught them everything they knew.
“They say the most difficult thing is for a parent to bury a child, but the most difficult thing is for a child to bury his mother. I wanted to do everything possible for (when she got ill), but a year ago doctors said there was nothing more that could be done. We just wanted whatever time we had left with her.”
He said his mother married at the tender age of 18, when his father, Basdeo, was 36. His parents worked hard all their lives, he said, starting with a galvanised little shop which became a modern, three-storey structure in the heart of Sangre Grande.
When his father went to work at 4 am, taking the children with him, Leela would make currants rolls and cook lunch for 30 to 40 employees and take it to the shop, ensuring every one had a meal. They would then cook dozens of roti every day for dinner.
Sinanan said his mother always told them to live with the people of the community, which she always did.
“She and my father worked very hard and taught us the value of living. She was a fantastic lady and moulded us into who we are today. Thank you for everything, Mummy,” a tearful Sinanan told his mother for the last time.
The Prime Minister, who attended the service, said even though people are told that days such as this will come along, that didn’t make them any easier. But when they came, people must keep their strength by holding on to their beliefs.
“The very thing that makes you so sad when this happens is the one thing that will sustain you.. She was an exceptional person, She was caring, loving, cheerful...always the life of the family.”Dr Rowley said. Even as her family all mourned her transition from this life, they can all rest in the knowledge that she lived an exceptional life. “To the Sinanan family, you are blessed. Your mother’s love blessed us as a society.”
Other mourners included Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, Planning Minister Camille Robinson-Regis, Local Government Minister Kazim Hosein, Toco/Sangre Grande MP Glenda Jennings-Smith, Sangre Grande Regional Corporation chairman Terry Rondon and Arima mayor Lisa Morris-Julian.
The funeral was officiated by Leela’s cousin Pundit Bhownath Maraj. She was cremated at the Caroni Cremation Site according to Hindu rites.
This story has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.
Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan today said a final farewell to his mother Leelamatie Sinanan at her funeral at her home at Guaico Junction, Sangre Grande. She would have been 75 this December.
He thanked his mother for keeping him and his siblings grounded and for making him the man is today.
Sinanan said he was celebrating his mother's life because he was thankful for the years he had with her. He said the sacrifices she made for her family were taken for granted, but she taught them everything they knew.
The Prime Minister, who attended the service, said being told that days such as this will come along did not make them any easier. But when they did come, people must keep their strength by holding on to their beliefs.
"[UPDATED] Sinanan thanks mom at her funeral"