[UPDATED] Natuc demands sit-down with Al-Rawi

FIRST vice-president of the National Trade Union Centre (Natuc) James Lambert is asking Attorney General Faris Al Rawi why the union’s requests to meet with him have been ignored.
Speaking on Thursday during a news conference at the National Union of Government and Federated Workers hall, Henry Street, Port of Spain, Lambert said with the AG as custodian of the Constitution and legal advisor to Cabinet, Natuc, which is the umbrella body of this country’s unions, has a right to have the AG’s attention when treating with rights of workers.
“We have engaged with several ministers pertaining to our affairs but to date, no avail. The letters we wrote to the AG, he did not even have the courtesy to respond or acknowledge. We had a situation with the Recognition and Certification board of which the trade union plays a pivotal role.
“The board has been out for three years and this has prevented the role and function of the trade union movement because that is where we will seek justice and redress as it relates to the working class. Why do we have to stay three-and-a-half years before you put a board in place to see after the business of the working class in TT?”
Lambert said there was no correspondence or discussion between the AG and Natuc, which comprises several powerful trade unions, and yet government complains of no cooperation coming from the unions. “Is it that the office of the AG is for one sector, one particular type of people, or is it only for the PNM or the Cabinet of the PNM,” Lambert asked.
He said collective agreements, renegotiations and collective bargaining have been agreed upon, but were never implemented. He said Government has a statutory obligation towards ensuring that what is signed is implemented
Lambert said there had been an agreement that there should be a pension plan for daily rated workers. He said file with all pertinent information was sent to the Prime Minister, but there has been no response or acknowledgement.
“The manner in which you are treating us...come on, you are the AG, elected by the people to serve the people. Find the time to meet with Natuc and its delegates. Workers in central and local government, the Tobago House of Assembly, the PSA, all the public sector daily rated and monthly paid are under the umbrella of Natuc.
“We have come to the conclusion that this government is anti-trade union and is trying to break the trade union movement. But we are sending a clear message that we will not stand idly by. Based on the Constitution, it is the right of every individual worker to join a trade union. We are here to ensure we get our just dues,” Lambert said.
This story was originally published with the title "Natuc claims AG ignoring the union" and has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.
First vice-president of the National Trade Union Centre James Lambert is asking Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi why the union's requests to meet have been ignored.
Speaking during a news conference today at the National Union of Government and Federated Workers Hall, Henry Street, Port of Spain, Lambert said as the AG was custodian of the Constitution, Natuc, the umbrella body of this country's unions, had a right to have his attention when treating with the rights of workers.
He also asked why the union had to wait three and a half years to have a Registration, Recognition and Certification Board appointed. He said this was where the union sought justice and redress for the working class.
"[UPDATED] Natuc demands sit-down with Al-Rawi"