Tobago's non-traditional schools commended

Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Chief Secretary and Secretary of Education, Innovation and Energy Kelvin Charles has congratulated Tobago’s “non-traditional” schools for their outstanding performance in this year’s Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) exam.
On Tuesday, Charles addressed Tobago’s ten extraordinary youngsters who topped the 2019 exam, during a recognition reception at the Magdalena Grand Beach and Golf Resort.
The ten – Sebastian Rampersad, Daniella Taylor, Ashelle Melville, Brianna McPherson, Jaden Roberts, Kaelan Bynoe, Xhane Gray, Jade Llanos, Brandon-Mark Browne and Adanna Rodriguez – were honoured by the division by being showered with accolades and treated to breakfast.
The ten students come from schools such as Buccoo Government, Bethesda Government, Signal Hill Government, Belle Garden Anglican, Pentecostal Light and Life Foundation, St. Nicholas Private, as well as the Tobago International Academy.
Charles said: “Perhaps I should also take this opportunity to congratulate what you may call the non-traditional schools being elevated. Without calling any names, there were some schools that we always used to hear their names, you didn’t hear it this year, and what that suggest is that others, the non-traditional schools, have been working hard, and perhaps those traditional schools became a little bit complacent...
"Assuming that, that is not the reason, another possible explanation may very well be that they maintained their levels of work, but the other schools knew that they had to catch up and exceed and they put in the extra work. That may be another possible explanation.
"Whatever it is, I congratulate and applaud the non-traditional schools for their performance this year.”
"Tobago's non-traditional schools commended"