Newsday's photo delights Minshall

Peter Minshal poses with framed photo of his Callaloo Company's  presentation at the North Coast Jazz which was published in the Newdsay on May 31.
Peter Minshal poses with framed photo of his Callaloo Company's presentation at the North Coast Jazz which was published in the Newdsay on May 31.

PETER MINSHALL was ecstatic when he was recently presented with a framed photo of his Callaloo Company's opening act at North Coast Jazz, held on May 25.

Minshall’s Callaloo Company characters, which included pigeon-headed figures, pierrot grenades and the “children of Tan Tan and Saga Boy,” created much excitement when they opened the festival at the Sir Solomon Hochoy Park in Blanchisseuse.

In a show of appreciation and thanks, Margaret Gittens, one of the brains behind the festival, presented Minshall with a framed photo of the Callaloo Company presentation, which was photographed by Gary Cardinez and published in the Newsday on May 31.


"Newsday's photo delights Minshall"

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