NCRHA sorry after death mix-up

The North Central Regional Health Authority yesterday issued a "sincere apology" to the family of Kaloutie Sammy and another patient after a health official mistakenly called the other patient's family to tell them she had died.

The two women were warded together at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt Hope.

The other patient's family are Muslim and immediately began to prepare for her burial, only to be told she was still alive.

In a statement yesterday, NCRHA CEO Davlin Thomas said a preliminary investigation had been completed and extended apologies to the families affected.

"We have confirmed that one of our valued practitioners contacted the family of a recovering patient, erroneously notifying relatives that the patient had passed away. The call was made between 5.30 am and 6 am after Sammy passed away.


Thomas said the NCRHA had improved processes to ensure patients received the highest quality health care, which would include dual verification before relatives were contacted.


"NCRHA sorry after death mix-up"

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