David: 'Write ID numbers on your hand'

SENIOR Disaster Management Coordinator of the Ministry of Rural Development Jerry David says citizens who ignore evacuation warnings in times of natural disasters should write their ID numbers on their hands with ink.
He described citizens' refusal to obey such warnings as a "pet peeve" on Friday morning at the launch of the TT Red Cross Society's early flood warning system in Port of Spain.
"I will ask that you write your ID number in some kind of indelible ink on your hand so we know if something untoward happens to you and we find you in a place far away from where you resided, we will know who you are," David said. "It's a little morbid but I must say that's the only way if people don't take warning and move out when the warnings are given."
He says the new warning systems will assist with the evacuation process. While total evacuation is not always required, David says residents will at least be alerted when they may have to move to higher ground. He says if weather conditions similar to that of October 2018 were to reoccur in TT, residents would be given enough time to evacuate.
President of the TT Red Cross Society agreed with David and urged citizens to take disaster preparedness education seriously. She said, "Like Mr David said, it will always be your own decision to decide to stay but if you decide to, understand the risk that you are placing on your own life. And this is why we (the Red Cross) will take a more solid effort in the coming days to work alongside the local government to ensure that community education where disaster management is concerned is continued."
"David: ‘Write ID numbers on your hand’"