Guaido urges military action, protests against "usurper" Maduro's regime

Venezuela’s self-declared interim President Juan Guaido has urged military action against the incumbent Maduro regime. In a tweet early this morning, Guaido said he was meeting with the main units of Venezuela’s armed forces for the beginning of what he called “Operation Freedom.” “The people of Venezuela have initiated the end of the usurpation,” Guaido said, as he called for protests in the street and for the military to intervene. The armed forces have the support of the Venezuelan people and the country’s Constitution, he said, and are guaranteed to be on the right side of history. Maduro’s Minister of Communications, Jorge Rodriguez, said the incumbent government were currently “confronting and deactivating” a small group of traitorous military personnel. These people, he said, were promoting a coup d’etat against the Constitution and peace of the republic. National Security Minister Stuart Young did not immediately respond to Newsday’s request for comment.
"Guaido urges military action, protests against “usurper” Maduro’s regime"