HDC, police at talks in Oropune

Managing director of the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) Brent Lyons yesterday met and listened to the grievances of residents of Oropune Gardens, Piarco, during a community walkabout hosted by the police.
The event was facilitated through the Oropune Police Youth Club at 6th Avenue, Oropune Gardens, Piarco.
Lyons yesterday assured concerned residents that HDC had begun tdealing with the issue of flooding immediately after their community was ravaged by floodwaters on October 19 last year.
Lyons dubbed last year's floods "abnormal," saying experts had estimated floods based on 25-, 50- and 100-year calculations, with expected flood levels at 17 per cent above sea level. October's rainfall, however, had water levels more than 18 per cent above sea level.
"The key thing here," he said, "is the inflow and outflow of waters in the community and looking at a fully functional detention pond.
"With so much water, and nowhere for it to go, what happened is, it backed up into the community."
Since then, he said, "We have done some work on the ponds, to bring about free flow of the watercourses. There were pumps on the banks of several ponds: they were since carried to service. and will return to their designated area as soon as that process is completed."
Additionally, Lyons said mitigation work is also being carried out at Greenvale, which was also hard hit by flooding in October.
Lyons thanked the police for inviting the HDC to the event, as he said he saw its value to both HDC and the community.
He said the HDC had been approached by residents on issues from the infrastructural to the personal, and said each concern would be delegated to the area in the corporation best suited to handle it.
Larry McDonald, HDC estate management divisional manager, promised he would personally record all critical issues raised by residents.
On another note, Lyons commended the efforts of youth club leader Cpl Kevin Greenidge, its executive committee and members.
"I was here when the club was given this unit four years ago," he said, "and from what we have seen and the amount of good works being done here and through the club, clearly it has outgrown the unit.
"We are now looking at a bigger facility to expand the club, to accommodate more members and continue the positive work being done through its leadership and young members."
ASP Jackman, Insp Keith Phillips, in charge of the Police Youth Club Secretariat, and a party of police from the Arouca station were also on hand to meet and speak with residents.
"HDC, police at talks in Oropune"