Two new RC priests answer call to serve

THE Catholic Church received two new priests into its flock on Monday during a Mass for the ordination of the Rev Deacons Lindsay John and Jeffrey Supersad.
The ordination took place at the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, Port of Spain, where they were ordained by Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon.
He said some people have been waiting for a long time to be priests, and John and Supersad were no exception. In fact, it took John 30 years to answer the call to serve the Lord.
“You have something to say. Your intention is to do the will of God. Mary was chosen by God to give birth to Jesus, that was her vocation.
This is your vocation, to serve God and give life and service to the Lord. This is what Christ is asking of you.”
The gospel reading (Luke 1:26-38) said God sent the Angel Gabriel to inform her of God’s plan for her to give birth to the Christ child. She questioned this announcement, saying, “But how can this come about, since I am a virgin?” to which the angel responded: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow.”
Mary replied: “I am the handmaid of the Lord, let what you have said be done to me.”
It was in this same vein that John and Supersad answered “the call” from God.
“There is always a proposal from God that requires an answer,” said Gordon. “For hundreds of years God had been preparing for that moment. God had prepared Mary for her vocation. Now God has chosen you to become His servants.
“You both had a very long journey. It is God who has pursued you, who has been relentless to bring you to this point. The priest of the Covenant is the priest of love.”
The new priests were asked to be humble and to serve their fellow men.
Monday’s Mass also celebrated the Annunciation of the Lord, when Mary bowed to God’s will to be the vessel of the Christ child.
"Two new RC priests answer call to serve"